Thursday, October 25, 2007


In the hub-bub of posting my excerpt and asking your favorite novels, I forgot to ask for Free Write Friday suggestions! Ah! Quick, get those in! And keep answering my "What's your favorite novel?" question. And I find it hilarious that Molly loved the book Trout Fishing in America when I can guarantee you that of all the people I know, Molly is one of the least likely to actually go trout fishing anywhere.


Molly said...

Free Write Friday Suggestion:

Tabby, a 60 y/o event planner, comtemplates life after retirement.

or better yet:

Howie, a 27 y/o computer programmer, contemplates life UNTIL retirement.

You could add a stressor in there... like Tabby wins the lottery and can retire yesterday if she wants to. Or Howie requires eye surgery that could render him visually impaired..... Oh hell, let me just write the story for you! hahaha

Rebecca said...

I can't pick a favorite novel. Picking a favorite novel is like picking a favorite ice cream flavor. It just doesn't happen. I could probably give you like a top 3-5 or so... Sadly, I haven't read a book in so long, I've almost forgotten what it's like to read fiction for pleasure! I even have a library card....

Oh, and sorry I've fallen behind keeping up with your blog - end of the year and all. However, it's Friday night so I can get my internet fix now.