Thursday, July 26, 2007


Alrighty then, Restless Readers, you're right. I have been a bad blogger. But you must understand that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out last weekend.

What's not to understand? You shouldn't be reading my blog, you should be reading that book!

Okay, no suggestions this week. Instead, I will look over last week's suggestions and use one of them. I do apologize. Geez-o.


Rebecca said...

I'm glad you read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. That is exactly what you should have been doing. It's not your fault I got my hands on it earlier and sped through it like the crazy HP fiend than I am. : ) Hahaha...

mGk said...

You apology seems empty. I just want my Friday Free write. What else am I supposed to do at the office? Work? With only five days left, I don't think so...