Well, the e-mail came out with the 2007 Three Day Novel Winners.
I am happy with what I submitted.
I did no win.
Nor did I even make it onto the short list.
Or the honorable mentions.
But I am happy with it anyway. The last time I went through this, I was more upset with the verdict. And then I read my submission and was mortified that I had let anybody else read it.
I guess I can't say I'm happy that I didn't win, because I'm not. But I have to remember that I didn't read any of the other submissions. Nor should I, at least not with an eye for judgement. It's hard to stay impartial, really. Only, no, I can tell when a work of fiction is a better one than I turned out.
Oh well. This just means that I can actually discuss it a little more freely now. So look forward to some of that.
Well, school is starting up for me tomorrow. Well, it started today, but I don't have any Monday classes until after spring break, so it officially starts for me tomorrow morning at 8:30. Media Literacy, here I come!
Well, folks, that about wraps it up for now. I'ma go crawl into bed.
I'm jealous.
I want to go back to school.
You'll kick everyone's behindz next year!
Good attitude on the novel. How did you get so wise? Must be wisdom that comes with age, old man. :)
Well, I enjoy your blog. Maybe you could submit the blog for the 2007 365 day blog writer? We really enjoy your writing style and I'm happy to have found out over the holidays that your writing is partly fiction :)
It is hard to be impartial to yourself. I know the feeling with speech especially, but I get what you mean. I'm happy your happier with this year, maybe this is a starting trend where you get happier each year...like next one when you win. :)
Correction...you're not your. Cannot believe I did that!!!
I hope to hear that you give it a shot again next year. : )
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