Saturday, March 11, 2006

Spring Break

Remember when Spring Break meant something? I can remember when it meant an entire week with no obligations, responsibilities, or normal sleeping hours. I can remember spring breaks spent riding my bike, hanging out with friends, staying up late watching movies...

I can remember spring breaks where I spent days without coming home, over at various peoples' houses, playing music, video games, whatever we wanted.

Then, I remember working through spring break. Now, it's a relief because it's a week without one set of obligations or responsibilities. Still, normal sleeping hours (which I never keep anyway) and plenty of obligations and responsibilities.

Basically, I remember when Spring Break was a week off and not a week with fewer things to do but still about fifty million.

Growing up sure has it's price.


mGk said...

Amen my actual brotha'! mmg

gerald said...

you said it buddy. spring break? more like two days with a few extra hours of free time.